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$100 (U.S. dollars) will be given annually to up to ten Society members who host a clan tent at a Highland Games in their area. The money awarded may be used to defray tent registration costs, to purchase necessary clan tent supplies, etc. The Board of Directors reserves the right to award more than $100 depending on various factors: event registration cost, number of events/tents being hosted by the member in a season, travel costs, funding remaining in the budget, etc. 

Eligibility & Requirements

  • Any Society member who has hosted a clan tent within the current calendar year is eligible to receive the stipend.

  • The stipend is given when proof of hosting has been submitted. Proof can include a photo or social media post of yourself at your tent, an article you submit about the experience to our Shank Bone enewsletter, a copy of your clan tent registration receipt, etc. (Please email us if you have questions about what constitutes proof of your clan tent hosting experience.) 

  • Additional applications from the same individual within the same calendar year will be considered on a case-by-case basis and as remaining available funds allow.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis year-round but are only awarded to recipients in the calendar year in which they hosted their clan tent.

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